4 Tips For Storing Medications

Published on 5/13/2021

If you have dozens of medication bottles lying around your home, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, most medicine cabinets aren’t large enough to store a large amount of pharmaceuticals. As a result, they can pile up quickly and clutter your home. If you’re thinking about storing your spare medications in a storage unit, here are a few tips.

1. Use drive-up storage.
If you think you’ll have to visit your unit often to retrieve medications, this is a convenient option. Being able to drive right up to your storage unit is extremely beneficial because it can save you a lot of time. 

2. Label your boxes and medications clearly.

Make sure the labels include the medication’s name, use, and expiration date. In addition, make sure the box is labeled clearly, too. If you don’t, you might accidentally damage a box filled with expensive or important medications.

3. Make sure your medications aren’t heat-sensitive.

Storing medications is generally safe, unless said medications are heat-sensitive and need to be kept refrigerated. Double check the instructions on your medication bottles, and act accordingly.

4. Make sure they’re sealed well.

Before you store your medications, make sure your bottles are sealed properly. This will keep your medications fresh and functional after being in storage for a few months.